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Climb to the Top

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Our Climb Fundraiser of the Week is Leigh Kaplan!

This is Leigh’s first year participating in Climb to the Top. Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis a few months ago, Leigh registered for the climb less than a month ago and has already raised nearly $12,000! She leads “Team Kapniss” with four others and credits her fundraising success to a mass e-mail to her support system explaining her participation and asking for donations. 

The following is an excerpt from her personal page:

“It has been the most challenging, confusing and unpredictable experience of my life. That said, I am a firm believer in embracing challenging situations with a smile and that things really do happen for a reason. I hope mine is to make a difference in what is currently a chronic autoimmune disease with no known cure. I want to do everything to prevent more people from learning what it means to live with this disease.”

Leigh is currently in her last semester in pursuit of a doctorate in Physical Therapy.

Keep up the amazing work Leigh!


Fundraising tip: Don’t shy away from sharing your story. Whether you have a connection to MS or you’re climbing as a fitness and weight loss challenge, people want to know why you are involved. Tell them why they should donate to you. It makes their donation much more meaningful! 


If you or someone you know would like to be our featured Fundraiser of the Week, please email Nicole Cannizzaro at with your fundraising ideas and a link to your personal page.


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